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Click here: ※ Conspiracy theorist dating site ※ ♥ Conspiracy theorist dating site
This is because it is a consolation to imagine that difficulties in human affairs are created by humans, and remain within human control. Prominent among such theorists is , author of Alien Harvest 1989. Journalist has drawn attention to the way in which such theories are used to stifle political dissent. While the message that the Internet might someday not be available is needlessly cryptic, the site does present some interesting information on items related to alternative health.
Critics have suggested that 'reptilians' may be seen as an antisemitic code word; a charge denied by Icke. If your online community is a generally happy one, don't take part in bringing trash into the house. The term conspiracy theory is a media employed in and campaigns to discredit skeptics of official or mainstream accounts of crimes, policies, geopolitical strategy, and harmful or otherwise notable acts and events. The bottom line: Trolls are unhappy people. Conspiracy theories are widely present on the in the form of and videos, as well as on. In most of these caballeros, he was said to have fled to the East, where he was still loved and admired. The study conspiracy theorist dating site subjects four versions of events, in which a foreign president a was successfully assassinated, b was wounded but survived, c survived with wounds but died of a heart attack at a he date, and d was unharmed. The New York Times. Various groups both real such as the and fake such as the are said to suppress relevant information concerning, for example, the dating of the. Once cognized, and avoidance of may reinforce the belief. Freemasonry have met since the 18th century.
Retrieved 29 November 2017. If a cabal can be implicated, there may be a hope of breaking its power or of joining it.
ABC cery trądzikowej – część 1 - London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Conspiracy theories usually deny consensus or cannot be proven using the or , and are not to be confused with research concerning verified conspiracies such as. Conspiracy theory is often considered the opposite of. Numerous conspiracy theories pertain to air travel and aircraft. Incidents such as the 1955 bombing of the , the 1985 crash, the , the 1987 , the 1988 bombing of , and the 1994 , as well as various aircraft technologies and alleged sightings, have all spawned theories of foul play which deviate from official verdicts. Black helicopters This conspiracy theory emerged in the U. The , who asserted that a force would soon arrive in to bring the U. The theory re-emerged in the 1990s, under the presidency of , and has been promoted by talk show host. A similar theory concerning so-called 'phantom helicopters' appeared in the UK in the 1970s. Chemtrails A high-flying jet's engines leaving a condensation trail Also known as SLAP Secret Large-scale Atmospheric Program , this theory alleges that water condensation trails '' from aircraft , or contain a supposedly toxic mix of , and , under secret government policies. An estimated 17% of people globally believe the theory to be true or partly true. In 2016 the published the first-ever peer-reviewed study of chemtrail theory; 76 out of 77 participating atmospheric chemists and geochemists stated that they had seen no evidence to support chemtrail theory, or stated that chemtrail theorists rely on poor. Korean Air Lines Flight 007 The destruction of by Soviet jets in 1983 has long drawn. The theories range from allegations of a planned espionage mission, to a US government cover-up, to the consumption of the passengers' remains by giant crabs. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 The disappearance of in south-east Asia in March 2014 has prompted many theories. One theory suggests that this plane was hidden away and reintroduced as later the same year in order to be shot down over Ukraine for political purposes. Prolific American conspiracy theorist has placed responsibility for the disappearance with Israeli Prime Minister. Theories have also related to allegations that a technology was secretly fitted to the aircraft. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine by Russia-backed Ukrainian separatists or by Russian military in July 2014. This event has spawned numerous alternative theories. Elements of such theories have been suggested or promoted by US radio host. New Coke A theory claims that intentionally changed to an inferior formula with , with the intent either of driving up demand for the original product or permitting the reintroduction of the original with a new formula using cheaper ingredients. In ancient times, widespread conspiracy theories were circulated , who committed suicide in 68 AD. Some of these theories claimed that Nero had actually faked his death and was secretly still alive, but in hiding, plotting to return and reestablish his reign. In most of these stories, he was said to have fled to the East, where he was still loved and admired. Other theories held that Nero really was dead, but that he would return from the dead to retake his throne. Today, there are many in 1963. The countless individuals and organizations that have been accused of involvement in the Kennedy assassination include the , the , sitting , , the , or even some combination thereof. It is also frequently asserted that the United States federal government intentionally covered up crucial information in the aftermath of the assassination to prevent the conspiracy from being discovered. The deaths of prominent figures of all types attract conspiracy theorists, including, for example, the deaths of , , , , , , , , , and. Also popular are theories about the deaths of celebrities, especially musicians. Inverted theories concerning deaths are also popular, prominent among which are claims that , and that and fled to the Americas, to Antarctica, or to the moon. Theories that Adolf Hitler had survived were deliberately promoted by the government of the under as part of a campaign. The disappearance, and often presumed death, of an individual may also become a cause for conspiracy theorists. Numerous persistent conspiracy theories have also attended the 2007 disappearance of English girl. The murder of employee in an attempted robbery spawned several conspiracy theories, including the claim that Rich had been involved with the , which runs contrary to the U. They are alleged to be implicated in most of the major wars of the last two centuries, to carry out secretly staged events, and to deliberately manipulate economies. Organizations alleged to be part of the plot include the , the , , the , the , the United Nations, the , the , , and Yale University society. Illuminati Conspiracy theories concerning the Illuminati, a short-lived eighteenth-century society, appear to have originated in the late nineteenth century, when some conservatives in Europe came to believe that the group had been responsible for the of 1789-1799. Hoaxes about the Illuminati were later spread in the 1960s by a group of American practical jokers known as the , who, for example, wrote a series of fake letters about the Illuminati to. The Discordian hoax has resulted in one of the world's foremost conspiracy theories, which claims that the 'Illuminati' are secretly promoting the posited New World Order. Theorists believe that a wide range of musicians, including and , have been associated with the 'group'. Prominent theorists include and. Denver Airport Some theorists believe that stands above an underground city which serves as a headquarters of the New World Order. Theorists cite the airport's unusually large size, its distance from Denver city center, as well as assorted alleged or Satanic symbols, and a set of murals which include depictions of war and death. George Soros Hungarian-American investor has been the subject of conspiracy theories since the 1990s. However, theories tend to assert that Soros is in control of a large portion of the world's wealth and governments, and that he secretly funds a large range of persons and organizations for nefarious purposes, such as the American far-left militant group. Such ideas have been promoted by , , , , and cartoonist. Soros conspiracy theories are sometimes linked to antisemitic conspiracy theories. Freemasonry have proliferated since the 18th century. Theorists have alleged that Freemasons control large parts of the economies or judiciaries of a number of countries, and have alleged Masonic involvement in events surrounding the sinking of the and the crimes of. Notable among theorists has been American inventor , who in 1835 published. Freemason conspiracy theories have also been. Üst akıl started to dominate public discourse during the late reign of the and. Erdoğan as well as the have on multiple occasions alleged that very different non-state actors — like the Salafi jihadist ISIL , the Anarcho-Marxist PKK and supporters of — were attacking Turkey at the same time in a well-coordinated campaign. Israeli animal spying Conspiracy theories exist alleging that to conduct espionage or to attack people. These are often associated with conspiracy theories about. Matters of interest to theorists include a series of , accusations of the use of 'spying' eagles, and the 2011 capture of a carrying an Israeli-labeled. Harold Wilson Numerous persons, including former MI5 officer and Soviet defector , have alleged that British Prime Minister. Malala Yousafzai Conspiracy theories concerning are widespread in , elements of which originate from a 2013 satirical piece in. These theories variously allege that she is a Western spy, or that her attempted murder by the in 2012 was a secret operation to further discredit the Taliban, and was organized by her father and the CIA and carried out by actor disguised as an. First edition of Since at least the Middle Ages, has featured elements of conspiracy theory. In medieval Europe it was widely believed that poisoned wells, , and. Forged evidence has been presented to spread the notion that , the most notorious example being 1903. Such antisemitic conspiracy theories became central to the worldview of. Antisemitic theories persist today in notions concerning banking, Hollywood, the news media and a purported. Notable Holocaust deniers include former Iranian President , the convicted and the discredited author. Anti-Armenianism See also: and Conspiracy theories which allege that the Armenians wield secret political power are prevalent in , and have been promoted by President. Turkish Foreign Minister has claimed that the Russian media is run by Armenians. American writer and disbarred lawyer has claimed that the was a hoax designed to defraud Christian nations of billions of dollars, and that the instigates terrorist attacks. Filmmaker Davud Imanov has accused the Armenians of plotting against Azerbaijan and has claimed that the was a plot by the to destroy the. Journalist has drawn attention to the way in which such theories are used to stifle political dissent. Anti-Baha'ism Main article: 's minority has been the target of conspiracy theories alleging involvement with hostile powers. Iranian government officials and others have claimed that Bahá'ís have been agents variously of , , and. An apocryphal and historically-inaccurate book published in Iran, entitled The Memoirs of Count Dolgoruki, details a theory that the Bahá'ís intend to destroy Islam. Such anti-Bahá'í accusations have been dismissed as having no factual foundation. Anti-Catholicism Anti-Catholic cartoon depicting as an octopus, from H. Fowler and 's The Pope 1913 has featured in the mind since the. Conspiracy theories have taken many forms, including the 17th-century allegations, claims by persons such as that posed a secret threat to Britain, and numerous writings by authors such as , , , and. Theorists often claim that the is the , or they accuse Catholics of suppressing evidence incompatible with Church teachings and engaging in secret evil rituals, and other plots. In 1853, the Scottish minister published his anti-Catholic pamphlet , in which he claims that the is secretly a continuation of the religion of ancient , the product of a millennia-old conspiracy founded by the Biblical king and the Assyrian queen. It also claims that modern Catholic holidays, including and , are actually pagan festivals established by Semiramis and that the customs associated with them are pagan rituals. Modern scholars have unanimously rejected the book's arguments as erroneous and based on a flawed understanding of Babylonian religion, but variations of them are still accepted among some groups of. The book's thesis has also featured prominently in the conspiracy theories of groups, such as. Fears of a Catholic takeover of the US have been especially persistent, prompted by phenomena such as Catholic immigration in the 19th century, and. Such fears have attached to Catholic political candidates such as and. The timing of his death and the Vatican's alleged difficulties with ceremonial and legal death procedures has fostered. Antichrist Apocalyptic prophecies, particularly Christian claims about the , have inspired a range of conspiracy theories. Many of these cite the , a leader who will supposedly create an oppressive world empire. Countless figures have been called Antichrist, including , Russian emperor , , Pope , and. The Bible and Jesus posit that significant parts of the are false, or have been omitted. Various groups both real such as the and fake such as the are said to suppress relevant information concerning, for example, the dating of the. Much of this line of conspiracy theory has been stimulated by a debunked book titled 1982 , which claimed that and were lovers and that their offspring and descendants were secretly hidden in Europe following the death of Jesus, from whom the then-living French claimed descent. Interest in this hoax saw a resurgence following the publication of 2003 novel,. Racism Emperor of Ethiopia In the United States, holds the view that are the victims of genocide instituted by. In 1970, after was more widely legalized, some black militants depicted abortion as being part of the conspiracy. A 2017 study in France by , for example, found that 48% of participants believed without evidence that political and media elites are conspiring to replace white people with immigrants. They believe that Emperor of did not die in 1975, instead believing that the allegedly racist media propagated false reports of his death in order to quash the Rastafari movement. English conspiracy theorist , 2013 found with absent body parts and seemingly drained of blood have emerged worldwide since at least the 1960s. This phenomenon has spawned theories variously concerning aliens and secret government or military experiments. Prominent among such theorists is , author of Alien Harvest 1989. Many conspiracy theories have drawn inspiration from the writings of proponent , who declared that the from were actually a race of extraterrestrial beings who came to Earth around 500,000 years ago in order to mine gold. In his 1994 book Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins: ET Influences on Humankind's Biological and Cultural Evolution, Arthur Horn proposed that the Anunnaki were a race of. This theory was adapted and elaborated on by British conspiracy theorist , who maintains that the , , , and the , among others, are or were such creatures, or have been under their control. Critics have suggested that 'reptilians' may be seen as an antisemitic code word; a charge denied by Icke. In the modern era, political conspiracy theories are often spread using on social media. Some allegations of false flag operations have been verified or have been subjects of legitimate historical dispute such as the 1933. Discussions of unsubstantiated allegations of such operations feature strongly in conspiracy theory discourse. Other allegations of similar operations have attached to , , , and the 1964. The rise of ISIS gave rise to conspiracy theories that it had been created by the USA, CIA, Mossad, or Hillary Clinton. The same happened after the rise of. Former Ku Klux Klan leader has theorized that 'Zionists' were responsible. Theorists such as have suggested that the event was staged with actors. Harassment of the bereaved families by conspiracy theorists. The Clintons A discredited theory, parts of which have been advanced by among others, asserts that former and his wife have assassinated fifty or more of their associates. The , the and have debunked this theory, pointing to detailed death records, the unusually large circle of associates that a President is likely to have, and the facts that many of the people listed had no known link to the Clintons, or had been misidentified, or were still alive. The unsolved 2016 murder of DNC staff member has prompted conspiracy theorists to claim that his killing was instigated by Hillary Clinton following alleged collaboration with WikiLeaks during the 2016 United States presidential campaign. Elements of this story have been promoted by figures including , , and as an alternative theory to. It has been comprehensively discredited by numerous bodies including the , , , and. Barack Obama Donald Trump has been a proponent of the conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Former US President has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories. His presidency was the subject of a 2009 film, , by , which alleged that Obama's administration was a for a wealthy elite. Another theory which came to prominence in 2009 denies the legitimacy of Obama's presidency by claiming that he was not born in the US. This theory has persisted despite the evidence of his birth certificate and of contemporary birth announcements in two Hawaiian newspapers in 1961. Notable promoters of the theory are dentist-lawyer and President Donald Trump, who has since publicly acknowledged its falsity but is said to continue to advocate for it privately. Other theories claim that Obama, a Protestant Christian,. FEMA The United States' is the subject of many theories, including the allegation that the organization has been engaged in the building of concentration camps on US soil, in advance of the imposition of martial law and genocide. Members of South Africa's party have long propagated conspiracy theories, frequently concerning the CIA and alleged white supremacists. In 2014, Deputy Minister of Defence joined others in accusing without evidence Public Protector of being a US agent working to create a puppet government in South Africa. Cultural Marxism The intellectual group known as the Frankfurt School which emerged in the 1930s has increasingly been the which have alleged the promotion of in capitalist societies. The term 'Cultural Marxism' has been notably employed by conservative American movements such as the , and by Norwegian mass-murderer. It has since come to prominence under the Trump presidency. Proponents of such theories have included Canadian author , who has promoted the idea in the US since at least the 1990s, as well as , and US President. Sutherland Springs See also: The 2017 has also been the subject of multiple conspiracy theories. Nation of Islam leader and AIDS conspiracy theorist Scientists believe that was transferred from monkeys to humans in the 1930s. Evidence exists, however, that the KGB deliberately disseminated a notion in the 1980s that. This idea, and similar ideas concerning , have since been promoted by persons such as actor , leader and former South Africa President. Similar conspiracy theories allege that pharmaceutical companies assist in the creation of conditions and diseases including , and. Fluoridation is the controlled addition of to a public water supply to reduce tooth decay. Although many dental-health organizations support such fluoridation, the practice is opposed by conspiracy theorists. Allegations may include claims that it has been a way to dispose of industrial waste, or that it exists to obscure a failure to provide dental care to the poor. A further theory promoted by the in the 1960s described fluoridation as a plot to weaken the American population. Vaccination Main article: A popular conspiracy theory states that the pharmaceutical industry has mounted a cover-up of. The theory took hold with the publication in 1998 of a fraudulent paper by discredited former doctor. The resulting anti-vaccine movement has been promoted by a number of prominent persons including , and President Donald Trump, and has led to increased rates of infection and death from diseases such as measles in many countries, including the US, Italy, Germany, Romania and the UK. Vaccine conspiracy theories have been widespread in since at least 2003, as well as in. Such theories may feature claims that vaccines are part of a secret anti-Islam plot, and have been linked to fatal mass shootings and bombings at vaccine clinics in both countries. Aerial view of the HAARP site, theorists typically allege that the science behind has been invented or distorted for ideological or financial reasons. Many have promoted such theories, including US President , US Senator , British journalist , and Viscount. Weather and earthquake control projects Numerous theories pertain to real or alleged weather-controlling projects. Theories include the debunked assertion that , a radio-technology research program funded by the US government, is a secret weather-controlling system. Some theorists have blamed 2005's on HAARP. HAARP has also been suggested to have somehow caused earthquakes, such as the , the or the. Theories concerning HAARP may also refer to mind-control technology. Also of interest to conspiracy theorists are. These include a debunked allegation that the British military's caused the fatal 1952 in Devon, England, and claims concerning a secret project said to have caused the. MKUltra into chemical interrogation and mind-control techniques has prompted many subsequent conspiracy theories, especially following CIA Director Richard Helm's 1973 order to destroy all files related to the project. These theories include the allegation that the mass fatality at in 1978 was connected to an MKUltra experiment. RFID chips , such as are implanted into pets as a means of tracking, have drawn the interest of conspiracy theorists who posit that this technology is secretly in widespread use on humans. Former town councilor Simon Parkes has promoted this theory, which may be related to conspiracy theories concerning vaccination, electronic banking and the Antichrist. Flat Earth Logo of the Flat Earth Society, 2013 first emerged in nineteenth-century England, despite the Earth's spherical nature having been known since at least the time of. It has in recent years been promoted by American software consultant Mark Sargent through the use of videos. The conspiracy often implicates NASA. Other claims may include such allegations as that devices are rigged to make aircraft pilots wrongly believe they are flying around a globe. Technology suppression Numerous theories pertain to the alleged suppression of certain technologies and energies. Such theories may focus on the , allegations of the suppression of the by fossil-fuel companies as detailed in the 2006 documentary , and the , set up in 1924, which has been accused of suppressing longer-lasting light bulbs. Other long-standing allegations include the suppression of and technology by government agencies, special interest groups, or fraudulent inventors. Promoters of alternative energy theories have included Thomas Henry Moray, , and convicted American fraudster. Weaponry Conspiracy theorists often attend to new military technologies, both real and imagined. Subjects of theories include: the alleged , a supposed attempt to turn a U. Navy warship invisible; the alleged , a supposed government program to learn about mind control and time travel; and the so-called which is alleged to have caused the. False History Pope Sylvester II 999 to 1003 Some theories claim that the dates of historical events have been deliberately distorted. These include the of German conspiracy theorist Heribert Illig, who in 1991 published an allegation that 297 years had been added to the calendar by establishment figures such as in order to position themselves at the. A comparable theory, known as the , is most closely associated with Russian theorist. Fomenko holds that history is many centuries shorter than is widely believed and that numerous historical documents have been fabricated, and legitimate documents destroyed, for political ends. Adherents of such ideas have included chess grandmaster. Scientific space programs are of particular interest to conspiracy theorists. The most prolific theories allege that , with some alleging the involvement of director. The space program has also attracted theories that. A more recent theory, emergent following the activities of , suggests that a secret program of manned space fleets known as Solar Warden exists, supposedly acting under the United Nations. Serge Monast also features in the work of Canadian conspiracy theorist who promoted a notion known as 'Project Blue Beam' in the two years before his death in 1996. The theory holds that NASA is secretly planning to use holograms, lasers and electromagnetic waves to fool people into believing that god has appeared, which will permit the establishment of an evil global government. Nibiru Planet X Conspiracy theorists have long posited a plot by organizations such as NASA to conceal the existence of a large planet in the known as or 'Planet X', which, allegedly, will one day pass close enough to the Earth to destroy it. Predictions for the date of destruction have included 2003, 2012 and 2017. The theory began to develop following the publication of The 12th Planet 1976 , by discredited Russian-American author , Nancy Lieder, and has since been promoted by American conspiracy theorist and theorist. The notion has remained popular, and received renewed attention during the period prior to the. Other conspiracy theorists in 2017 also predicted Nibiru would appear, including Terral Croft and pastor Paul Begley. Boxing has featured in conspiracy theories, such as the claims that the second - fight and the first - fight were fixed. Shergar The notorious theft and disappearance of the Irish-bred racehorse in 1983 has prompted many conspiracy theorists to speculate about involvement by the , the and. Theorists claim that a lottery envelope was chilled so that it could be identified by touch. Rival driver premature retirement to the has prompted conspiracy theorists to allege that organizers fixed the race in order to receive good publicity for the event. New England Patriots before. The have also been involved in numerous conspiracy theories. During their over the , several conspiracy theories spread stating that the referees helped the Patriots advance to. However, sports analyst stated the Jaguars were not robbed, but that they had no one to blame but themselves for the loss. There were also conspiracy theories regarding the matchup between the Patriots and the stating that the game was rigged, while others said the Falcons made questionable play-calls at the end of the game. Berkeley: University of California Press. Hidden Religion: The Greatest Mysteries and Symbols of the World's Religious Beliefs. The Los Angeles Times. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 3 August 2010. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster Knox Press. 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